Back yard


Water color

This is the backyard at my buddies place (shawn hebb) outside of Halifax, just relaxing for a couple of days staring at the ocean and drinking, and eating Chowder as much chowder as possible.


I really don’t like this, but that’s what practice is all about.

Music: Shawn Hebb



Colored pencil, ink

A good friend and I were talking and he turned my ear to some local Nova Scotia talent, so that was my background music tonight.

Not sure where this come from, and the slightly tough poem associated with it. In the end I was thinking of tattoo art.

I enjoyed working the composition here and how to fill it all in. Gotta work on clouds a little more.

That or not think to much…

At any rate, it a good end to the weekend. It would probably make a terrible tattoo.


Music: Jennah Barry
